Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Homework. Why was it made?! Here is my analysis of why it's evil:

We are only awake for about 16 hours tops out of a single 24 hour day---of those 16 hours, we spend a whopping 8 in school! Subtract around 2 hours of leeway, and that leaves us with only around 6 hours of "free time"... But that's where homework comes into play! As if it wasn't enough to be in school for the vast majority of the day, we have to go home and waste what little time we have doing MORE school work! When I go home I want to be home; not indirectly still in school! Honestly most people who are doing bad in a class are only in that situation because of homework---no one likes it, so why is it still here?! If homework were to just suddenly be abolished, kids would get more rest, more kids who need to support their family would have an easier time with the job thing, and best of all, improved grades. The cons to getting rid of homework are far to small and unimportant to even mention so---I won't.

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