Sunday, January 4, 2009

1 Person 2 Faces

You know what really bothers me? This scenario:

Two friends know someone. Friend A likes that person but friend B hates them because they act like a dick toward them. Now to me, it's stupid to think someone is cool if they act nice toward you but ignorant to everyone else, especially one of your friends; if they act like a jerk to everyone except you that means they are still a jerk! It seems kind of self-minded to me for friend A to even consider the person a good friend or cool person...

Friday, January 2, 2009

School... Is it REALLY the best way to learn?

After sitting and thinking about the monstrous stress-invoker that is the 12-15 page Senior Exit Project, I noticed something very interesting: If you have straight A's and fail to complete this project, you fail to graduate--yet, inversely, if you have all poor grades and complete the still fail to graduate. Think about it. This is a trap if I've ever seen one in my life; the way it's set up, you have two ways to fail but only one way to pass---THUS School, the so-called 'right path', SETS YOU UP FOR FAILURE!

It kind of makes me wonder if they want kids to graduate and become successful at all? I mean, why make it so hard on children to do well in life? Maybe there are some out there who really wanted to do good but could never get there because of the obstacles put in place by the very ones urging them to move on? This reflection is what led me to the creation of the following quote:

Life is not easy simply because we make it hard
Montre L. Smith

People constantly regurgitate sayings such as "life isn't fair" and "life isn't easy", never stopping to consider why. Well I've considered it---and the only logical explanation I can produce is that it isn't fair or easy because we subconsciously choose for it not to be that way.