Saturday, November 29, 2008


Anyone besides me ever wonder why on every commercial, ad, and label they always say: "The Gum Disease Gingivitis"... I mean come on is the 'the gum disease' part really necessary? Don't you think we know from the past 50 years of saying it that it's a gum disease?! They don't call cancer 'The Cell Destruction Disease Cancer'---So why do they insist on reminding us that Gingivitis is a gum disease?! Just call it Gingivitis!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Easy way to kill spidey--yet it was overlooked

Most of the villains who have gone against Spiderman have stood no chance strength-wise... Well I was sitting and thinking and it occurred to me: all a villain needs to do is get bitten by the same radioactive spider that bit Peter and, theoretically, they should be granted the same powers as him! After the spider bit Peter it's not like it died or anything---and there were like 3 others so why don't they just go to that lab and get bit? And the scientists who created the spiders---shouldn't they have known that that's how Spiderman got his powers? Come on Marvel, I love you to death but make more solid stories!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The magic of potato chips

I've noticed something very peculiar since moving to a big city from North Carolina: when kids here eat potato chips, they seem to go into this strange trance where they just mindlessly stare off into space and's really weird...Not that there's anything wrong with that; sometimes I catch myself doing it too---but it's still very odd


Today at lunch I was sitting eating fruitsnacks in my strange color-by-color fashion when i noticed that there was one brighter colored one left in the bag. So I ate it. I dumped the remaining fruitsnacks out into my hand and noticed the strangest thing: there were 5 left; 2 red, 3 blue! This instantly made me think of the election that Barrack Obama just won (yay) and how he had won more states (his were blue) than John McCain (whose states were red)...So yeah I thought that was kind of funny... Oh and, both of the red fruitsnacks happened to be monkeys and that made me think of George Bush xD

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"The first time I say no, it's like I never said yes"

I hate how you can do something right a million times but the first time you do it wrong then everyone gets mad at you. I don't get that about people. How does 1 screw-up outweigh a million successes?...